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Breast Cancer Awareness (1 in 8 women can be diagnosed with Breast Cancer)

Breast Cancer Awareness (1 in 8 women can be diagnosed with Breast Cancer)


It is important to carry out the periodic check-up for prevention or early detection.

Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, caused by the abnormal multiplication of breast cells that form a malignant tumor.

At the initiative of the World Health Organization, on October 19, the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer is celebrated worldwide, with the aim of raising awareness in women and increasing prevention, early detection, diagnosis and timely treatment and effective.

According to WHO data, Breast Cancer is the most diagnosed in Latin America, with about 152 thousand cases a year, of which 15% are already detected in advanced stages. It is estimated that around 5,600 deaths occur per year due to this pathology.

For this reason, early detection is essential, since 90% of women have a chance of being cured.

Breast Cancer is a disease that affects mostly women between 45 and 70 years of age, although the causes are unknown, there are some factors that increase the risk of becoming ill:

Being over 50 years old

Personal history of breast cancer or benign (non-cancerous) breast disease.

Family history of breast cancer.

Treatment with radiation therapy to the breast or chest.

Treatment with hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.

Menstruation at an early age.

Advanced age at the time of the first delivery or never having had children.

Other factors: being overweight, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption in proportions greater than those recommended.


Lump in the breast or armpit (under the arm).

Increased thickness or swelling of part of the breast.

Irritation or sagging of the skin of the breast.

Redness or peeling in the nipple or breast area.

Sagging of the nipple or pain in that area.

Any change in the size or shape of the breast.

Pain in any part of the breast.

Within this prevention framework, from the Sanatorium del Salvador we implement the Uterine Neck and Breast Prevention Plan, a proposal that has the purpose of instilling the importance of comprehensive annual controls for the assessment of general health status and early detection of possible diseases.

We offer a complete gynecological check-up that includes gynecological consultation, PAP, Video-colposcopy, breast ultrasound and / or mammography according to age and / or history. It is done in a single day.


October is known throughout the world as the month in which actions related to the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer are carried out. The movement, known as Pink October, has been held annually since the 1990s. The campaign is used to share information on breast cancer and more recently on cervical cancer. The idea is to promote knowledge of the disease, provide greater access to diagnostic services and contribute to the reduction of mortality.

The name of the campaign refers to the color of the ribbon that is the international symbol used by people, companies and organizations that support the movement. That is why during this month the color pink illuminates the façade of several public and private institutions that join the movement, such as one of the main tourist attractions in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil: Christ the Redeemer (photo below).


Breast cancer is the result of the multiplication of abnormal breast cells that form a tumor with the potential to invade other organs. Some types of tumors develop quickly. Others, slowly. But in most cases there is a good response to treatment, especially when the disease is diagnosed early. Remember that early diagnosis is still the best ally for treatment to be effective. When identified early, it can be treated immediately, preventing the tumor from spreading.

Breast cancer is the most common type after non-melanoma skin cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), accounting for about 28% of new cases each year. In Brazil, in 2017, there were 16,724 deaths caused by the disease. INCA estimates that 59,700 new cases will appear in 2019. Breast cancer also affects men, but it is rare, accounting for only 1% of all cases.


The Breast Friendly Program highlights the importance of affection as a strategy for women to overcome the difficulties of treatment. The tensions between the diagnosis and the search for a cure were recorded in the documentary "Amigas del Pecho: networks of affections not caring", produced by the Ministry of Health with patients from the Cardoso Fontes Federal Hospital, located in Rio de Janeiro. recorded the routine of patients in the hospital and on a daily basis Click here to view.


There are several institutions around the world with important initiatives that support the cause and effectively help women who have the disease. One of them is the Lace Rose Foundation, which created a free online wig bank. The project helps to rescue the self-esteem of women with hair loss during chemotherapy. Patients with any type of cancer, anywhere in Brazil, can request a free wig.


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