Health tips for everyday life
Implement one of our health tips every day. The first tip on the first day, the first tip on the second day AND the second tip. On the third day, the first, the second and also the third health tip and so on. After a month, your daily routine will look very different from today. And you have become a different person: healthier, more attractive, more productive.
Author: Usama Mujahid
Health tips
Print out the following list and hang it on your fridge, on your bulletin board or on your bedside table. Every day you take a new tip and put it into practice. This way you dedicate yourself a little more to your health every day. The 30 tips - or at least a few of them - will soon become part of your flesh and blood. Have fun!
1. The water day
Replace soft drinks and other beverages with herbal tea or fine filtered water.
2. The raw starter day
Before each meal, eat raw fruit, some raw vegetables (kohlrabi, cucumber, etc.) or a crispy leaf salad as a starter.
3. The sports day
Extend your daily exercise program by 5 minutes. Don't have a sports program? Start with 5 minutes a day! Use your home trainer or a cross trainer for this. Soon 5 minutes won't be enough for you, wait and see.
4. The sunny day
Treat yourself to more sunshine! When the sun is out, sunbathe. It should take between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the season and time of day.
5. The Pilates day
Do you know Pilates? Look around your residential area to see if you can take a beginner's course there. It is surely the better exercise system for more flexibility, perfect posture, more muscle strength and better condition.
6. The smoothie day
Drink one green smoothie a day.
7. The houseplant day
Buy more number of houseplants: they clean the air in your home. But make sure that you buy plants that also go with your home. Put the aloe vera in the south window and get shade plants if your apartment is rather poor in light.
8. Vitamin D day
Since you have been soaking up the sun regularly since day 4, your vitamin D level has surely already risen because the organism can produce vitamin D independently under the action of sunlight. If you cannot go out into the sun regularly, you should - at least in winter - take vitamin D as a food supplement, ideally combined with vitamin K2 and calcium.
Vitamin D provides the absorption of calcium from the intestine and vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium is built into the bones and not into the blood vessel walls.
9. The Quinoa Day
Eat more quinoa. Quinoa is a so-called pseudo-grain. It is rich in extremely high quality and complete protein and also provides a lot of iron, magnesium and calcium. Quinoa is a wonderful substitute for pasta or rice.
10. The fat day
Inspect your fat stores today and switch to healthy fats. Always replace frying fats with high-quality organic coconut oil or organic frying oil. Replace cheap salad oils with virgin olive oil and treat yourself to something special every now and then, e.g. B. high-quality organic linseed oil or hemp oil, of which you take small amounts every day to enrich your raw food.
11. The Antioxidants Day
Check out this article: Antioxidants For Your Health. After reading it, decide whether you are consuming enough antioxidants and, if in doubt, choose a high-quality dietary supplement, such as B. Astaxanthin - The super antioxidant.
OPC from grape seeds or aronia berries also provide you with extremely rich and effective antioxidants.
12. The detox day
They know that the root of health is hidden in the gut. With complaints of any kind, an intestinal rehabilitation is one of the first and most important steps. A cleansing intestinal rehabilitation can be integrated into everyday life very easily and without complications. Use the strong detoxifying effect of bentonite and psyllium husk powder and build up your intestinal flora. Think about when you want to tackle intestinal rehabilitation today and find out about its benefits for your health:
13. The teeth day
Today, think about what you could do for your teeth and gum health. Interesting measures with sometimes overwhelmingly positive effects are, for example, oil pulling and mouthwashes with xylitol. You can find out more about this here:
Oil pulling
Xylitol - Xylitol - sugar substitute and dental care
You can find more tips that can be successful with periodontal disease here.
14. The eye day
Are your eyes fading? Or are you already wearing glasses? Then you could think about today which effective naturopathic measures would please your eyes. Starting today, for example, drink half a liter of carrot juice every day, preferably freshly squeezed. You can find numerous other tips here: Treating poor eyesight - completely naturally
15. The liver day
Bitter substances are an elixir of life for the liver. From now on, incorporate more bitter substances into your diet every day, e.g. B. in the form of bitter salads (endive, chicory etc.) or as a food supplement (herbal bitters (e.g. bitter star), dandelion root extract, dandelion powder, bittrio herbal elixir alcohol-free etc.)
Starting today, you can also take combination preparations made from special liver protection herbs to help your liver with its daily detoxification work.
For example, the following five herbs are ideal for liver protection: dandelion root, milk thistle seeds, burdock root, artichoke and kelp.