General care tips for leading a healthy lifestyle
We always hear about the importance of a better and healthier lifestyle, but we don't know how to do it and we don't know why.
To attain a healthy and better lifestyle, it is essential to take into account health in a holistic way, since this way you will enjoy a fuller existence. Below are some guidelines for behavior and health tips that will help bring a better quality to our existing
Find ways to exercise at home or play sports outside. If this is not possible, go for a walk for at least half an hour a day, remember that your heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised to stay fit and healthy, just like the rest of the muscles in the body.
Exercises, particularly oxygenated, help you stay healthy, strong, lose weight, prevent illness, and reduce stress.
It is not about becoming obsessive about the subject and counting calories all day, but about having the conscience to choose the best of foods and thus enjoy proper health.
Find a way to have a balanced diet, which does not neglect any food necessary for your body; that is, it includes vegetables, fruits, white meat, legumes, fiber and plenty of fluids
Being overweight is a serious health problem for many people, increasing the risk of developing serious diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.
Less weight, on the other side is related to heart problems, low resistance to infection, chronic fatigue, anemia, depression, and other illnesses.
These pathologies are avoidable if you eat a balanced diet, control your weight and maintain a normal and balanced level.
• Do physical exercises constantly
• Jog or walk to activate metabolism
• Smoking lowers your quality of life
• A good diet gives a better quality of life
10 habits for a healthier life
In this text we will give you some suggestions that can help you turn healthy habits into a lifestyle and thus achieve the balance that your body needs.
Have a lot of time to follow these tips that will undoubtedly help you feel physically and mentally renewed.
Do some physical activity
Being in static movement is the key to better health and also to feeling better about yourself physically and mentally. According to the WHO, physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor when it comes to global mortality.
It is important to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and to lead a healthier life. You can dance, go to the gym, run, walk or play sports; With any of these activities you can improve your physical performance.
Maintain good hydration
Water is necessary for the body as it helps you regulate body temperature, keeping the skin hydrated and elastic, lubricating joints and organs and maintaining good digestion.
Our body loses water through urine, feces, breathing, and sweating; Therefore, it is commonly recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily, however, each person has different needs, consult a health professional about the right amount for you
Eat healthy
A good diet includes a balanced diet, choosing an eating plan for each person depending on their body. This way we make sure that our body has the necessary nutrients that can help us avoid diseases and infections, put aside problems related to weight, among others.
Would you like to start a new eating plan? We suggest you go to a nutritionist so they can advise you
Sleep well
Are you one of those who like to sleep a few hour. The WHO recommends sleeping at least 6 hours a day, since little sleep can affect health. Some of the problems as a consequence of not getting enough sleep are: reduced reflexes, decreased ability to concentrate, and appetite and gastric problems.
Do not forget to go to rest with a clear and peaceful mind and without any inconvenience let you be calm during your sleep.
Stay stress free
Work, money, children, a partner, etc., can be a great distraction from our emotional well-being. It is recommended to be as calm as possible since stress also affects our health. Don't let anything interfere with your peace of mind, organize your life so that you don't have to fall into conflicts that don't leave you anything good; take care of you, no one else will do it for you.
Sleeping with the phone away
'Ironing your ear' with the phone next to the bed not only works against your sleep cycle, but also against your mood and levels of happiness. In a study published in 'Computeris in Human Behavior', participants who did not leave their phone next to the bed improved their levels of well-being and found themselves less stressed than those who did not.
Sleeping naked
According to an article published in 'Medical News Today', going to bed without any clothes can affect your quality of sleep. This is because the production of melatonin in your body increases, which makes you fall asleep more easily and decrease your body temperature. Also staying cool at night lowers your level of cortisol, the stress hormone.
Drink cherry juice
Why specifically cherries? A 2012 study published in the 'European Journal of Nutrition' found that cherries are a great source of melatonin, the same hormone we talked about above and that makes it easier for your body to rest.
To be more sociable
The human being finds happiness in other people who are like-minded. Friendship is undoubtedly one of the keys by which a person remains healthy and happy. Little more to add: enjoy your time with your loved ones, be they family or friends, and we guarantee that you will live much longer and in better conditions.