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Modern and Top Ranked Medical Universities in Russia

Here is List of Modern and Top Ranked Medical Universities in Russia

Siberian State Medical University

  • FACULTIES Medical, Pediatric, Pharmaceutical, Biomedical, Faculty of Behavioral Medicine and Management
  • EXAMS USE Biology, chemistry, Russian
  • PASSING POINT From 193. Medicine - 254
  • COST OF TRAINING from 84.9 thousand rubles / year

In the rating of the Expert RA agency for 2014, Siberian State Medical University entered the top three medical universities in the country. We can safely say that students with completely different career ambitions will find their place here. Future doctors will be able to practice in the most modern clinics and listen to lectures by the best Russian professors. Those who want to build a scientific career will be delighted to learn how large the network of interdisciplinary research and educational centers built by the clinic is. Students who see themselves as start-up founders in the future will be delighted with the university's willingness to enter into partnerships with small and medium-sized businesses and support interesting projects in the healthcare sector. In a word, a solid A plus - it is really worth going here for medical and biotechnological education.

A separate bonus is the availability of educational programs for students with visual impairments at the university.

Moscow State Medical University

  • FACULTIES Medical, preventive medicine, pediatric, pharmaceutical, faculty of higher nursing education and psychological and social work, faculty of pre-university training, faculty of postgraduate education
  • EXAMS USE Chemistry, biology, Russian language
  • PASSING POINT From 142. Medicine - 275
  • COST OF TRAINING From 67.5 thousand rubles / year

The famous First Med is a leading Russian medical university. As a rule, when they are going to go “into medicine,” they dream of going here. Here, predictably, the highest passing score and the most expensive paid tuition. However, one can strive here not only for the sake of prestige: the university supports academic exchange programs with more than a hundred foreign medical schools, conducts active scientific work, this year a cluster of medical and biotech startups appeared here, designed to increase the entrepreneurial activity of graduates. In short, there are many prospects.

First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

  • FACULTIES Medical, dental, pediatric, adaptive physical education, department of sports medicine, department of clinical psychology, medical faculty of foreign students, institute of nursing education, faculties of higher nursing education, faculty of postgraduate education, faculty of pre-university education
  • EXAMS USE Russian language, biology, chemistry
  • PASSING POINT From 237. Medicine - 279
  • COST OF TRAINING From 152 thousand rubles / year

Despite the fact that studying at a medical university is always difficult, in St. Petersburg "First Med" student life is extremely active - contests, skits, joint donor actions and a host of other things. Thus, a close-knit community of medical specialists is being formed at the university, and, as you know, a professional contact base is one of the extremely important things that you get at the university. It is worth noting the prestigious foreign partners of the university. These include, for example, the National American Institute of Health and the largest European medical center - the German Charite Clinic.

Russian National Research Medical University

  • FACULTIES Medical, pediatric, biomedical, international, psycho-social, dental, pharmaceutical, faculty for training foreign citizens, faculty of additional professional education
  • EXAMS USE Chemistry, biology, Russian language
  • PASSING POINT From 155. Medicine - 260
  • COST OF TRAINING From 97 thousand rubles / year

Pirogov University is one of the largest medical schools in Russia and Europe; about 9000 future doctors study here. In addition, this is the only medical university in Russia that has been awarded the prestigious category "National Research University". This is quite justified - the university is actively involved in scientific work, cooperating with medical and scientific centers in Russia and abroad. Students participate in scientific circles and can, becoming members of the student scientific society, take part in "serious" research conducted by the university.

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

  • FACULTIES General Medicine, Dentistry, Economics, Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Continuing Professional Education, Faculty of Pedagogical Education in Higher Medical School, Faculty of Secondary Professional Education, Faculty of Social Work
  • EXAMS USE Chemistry, biology, Russian language
  • PASSING SCORE From 167. Dentistry - 251
  • COST OF TRAINING From 80 thousand rubles / year

“Third Med” is the main university in Russia for the training of dentists. Despite the fact that there are dental faculties in every medical university, it makes sense to go to a specialized university: clinical research in the field of dentistry is being actively carried out here, there are corresponding university clinics where students practice, and, in particular, are taught by practicing dentists who themselves undergo additional training at various foreign universities.

In recent years, the university has focused on modern educational technologies - distance education and electronic access to information resources.

Kazan State Medical University

  • FACULTIES Medical, pediatric, dental, biomedical, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, faculty of social work and higher nursing education, faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists
  • EXAMS USE Chemistry, biology, Russian language
  • PASSING POINT From 166. Medicine - 281
  • COST OF TRAINING From 112 thousand rubles / year

Kazan Medical University ranks high in the expert ratings of Russian universities. And his leadership did a lot for this. The university enters into new partnerships with biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies in Russia and Europe, collaborates with 25 research centers around the world, conducts clinical trials of medicines. In 2015, its own scientific and educational medical cluster was created here to train young businessmen in the medical industry. In a word, students have many opportunities for development.

Ural State Medical University

  • FACULTIES Treatment-and-prophylactic, pediatric, medical-prophylactic, dental, pharmaceutical, faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists
  • EXAMS USE Russian language, chemistry, biology
  • PASSING POINT From 223. Medicine - 260
  • COST OF TRAINING From 97.7 thousand rubles / year
Ural Medical University is another strong regional medical university. Here, their own scientific schools were formed, which received recognition in the academic environment. The strongest areas here are pediatric cardiology, phthisiopediatrics (that is, treatment of tuberculosis in children), vascular neurosurgery, neurogerontology (treatment of diseases of the nervous system in the elderly), pediatric neurology and ecological pediatrics. The scientific life of the university is gaining momentum every year - it is not surprising that its staff and students manage to win so many grants.

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